Playoff und DM Damen 2017

SCC Blax Berlin - HTHC Hamburg 0:12 (0:8, 0:4)

27.5. 12:00,


Time Score Team Goal Assist
00:23 0:1 HTHC 8 Prym, Laura
07:47 0:2 HTHC 18 Garbe, Antonia
09:22 0:3 HTHC 10 Andres, Anouk 8 Prym, Laura
11:30 0:4 HTHC 8 Prym, Laura 2 Deckert, Karolin
13:22 0:5 HTHC 11 Knapp, Svea
17:06 0:6 HTHC 1 Mollenhauer, Emma Luise 11 Knapp, Svea
18:32 0:7 HTHC 18 Garbe, Antonia
21:11 0:8 HTHC 10 Andres, Anouk
34:31 0:9 HTHC 10 Andres, Anouk 18 Garbe, Antonia
37:35 0:10 HTHC 18 Garbe, Antonia 1 Mollenhauer, Emma Luise
40:08 0:11 HTHC 11 Knapp, Svea
48:03 0:12 HTHC 9 Mollenhauer, Sophie


Time Team Player Card Foul
01:25 BLAX 14 Jacob, Claire Y Checking to the head/neck
53:58 HTHC 14 Petersen, Amelie Y Dangerous propelling


Time Team
11:30 SCC Blax Berlin
18:32 HTHC Hamburg
48:03 HTHC Hamburg

SCC Blax Berlin

Roster G A C
3 Gergeleit, Wiebke - - -
26 Gnädig, Stella - - -
14 Jacob, Claire - - 1
1 Joppich, Julia - - -
27 Kim, Yun-I - - -
23 Kollmann, Madgalena - - -
22 Missbach, Rose - - -
21 Müller, Lisa - - -
13 O'Connor, Colleen - - -
9 Panther, Natalie - - -
11 Paulson, Tracy - - -
4 Quante, Katharina - - -
18 Steyer, Jette - - -
28 Wagner, Marie - - -

HTHC Hamburg

Roster G A C
10 Andres, Anouk 3 - -
24 Brodtmann, Heike - - -
2 Deckert, Karolin - 1 -
18 Garbe, Antonia 3 1 -
12 Igbekele, Lara Merlen - - -
7 Karle, Jennifer - - -
11 Knapp, Svea 2 1 -
6 Laxy, Hannah - - -
15 Mattwig, Jaana - - -
1 Mollenhauer, Emma Luise 1 1 -
9 Mollenhauer, Sophie 1 - -
14 Petersen, Amelie - - 1
16 Probst, Josefina - - -
8 Prym, Laura 2 1 -
17 Thiele, Antonia - - -
13 Weber, Finja - - -
20 White, Gabrielle - - -


Head Umpire Frunzetti, Katharina Umpire 1 Wiesmann, Anne Umpire 2 Meier, Katharina Umpire 3 Dick, Elisabeth